(The comeback) - 1st September 2012
It's been almost 2 years that I left this little web diary....watched the Bridget Jones Diary yesterday, it triggered me, wow, I do have something to write....well it's been 2 hectic years, struggling with study, work and life but of course manageable.
Probably if I do have more time, it would be a frequent post, perhaps...
I do wanna wish to all Muslims in the whole wide world, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir & Batin. If there's any words popped out of my mouth that hurts your feelings, any doings (purposely / accidently) touched your heart & soul, any body language of mine that makes you hated me so much, please, I repeat, please forgive me with open hearts. I've alwiz forgiven those that did the same to me, afterall, we're merely humans. Humans make mistakes, whether knowing it or probably accidently on purpose. Enough said that.
Our family enjoyed our trip in S'pore, my loveliest hometown. Everybody wondered why we "Balik Kampung" to the metropolitan city. Unfortunately or Fortunately, that is the country that me & other 2 siblings of mine as well as my beloved mother was born. Most of our family members are still there. However, we need to catch-up with our beloved families in Taiping, Perak as well. It's been a while not meeting them. My blocked leave just ain't enough to cover catching up with my beloved families. Some of my cousins are in Australia. Luckily, having Facebook makes them nearer to us as if they were next by our sides. Tq Mark.
31st August 2012 ~ our date with Mummy
31st August 2012 ~ our date with Mummy
Yesterday was Mum's 65th birthday. Alhamdulillah, tqvm Allah SWT our creators for giving us a fabulous, fantastic, super duper mum ....the one & only irreplaceable mum. She gave us strength & wings for us to fly & reach our dreams. TQVVVVVM mummy, we luv u!
We went to Aroma Ikan Bakar, Jeram, Kuala Selangor to celebrate mum's big day! Her special request not to be at city centres, no fast foods, no McD, no Pizza Hut, no KFC.....but of course seafood. So we drove all the way to the nearest seaside, K.Sgor.
Being there at about 5pm, the restaurant is quite clear....so we booked the "Bamboo Hut", you'll be charged an extra RM20 for that....of whateverrrr, as long as the ambience is good, why not?
Being there at about 5pm, the restaurant is quite clear....so we booked the "Bamboo Hut", you'll be charged an extra RM20 for that....of whateverrrr, as long as the ambience is good, why not?
The view from inside the hut....very soothing ambience. We ordered some food....Siakap (3 rasa), Kailan wz dried fish, Mango salad, Tom Yam, Chili Crab, Fried Calamari and drinks Fresh Coconuts & Watermelon Juice....so refreshing....imagine that u r at Bora2 Island or somewhere in Hawaii. Unfortunately, our beloved sibling Shahrul is away overseas while our beloved sis in law Zuey & nephew Rayyan is in KB. Or else, this would be an extra awesome celebration.
The couples ~ Redza & Nana
This lovebirds just couldn't help posing in front of my hp camera....I don't have a DSLR camera which I wish to have one someday....luckily Blackberry phones are just good enough...hahahaha...
The couples ~ Redza & Nana
This lovebirds just couldn't help posing in front of my hp camera....I don't have a DSLR camera which I wish to have one someday....luckily Blackberry phones are just good enough...hahahaha...
Happy faces due to full bellies

The view from outside
Collecting Seashells by the Seashore - say it 5 times quickly.....tongue twisters
Taking advantage of the beautiful ambience
The beautiful aurora a.k.a Senjakala
Goodbye dearest sun....we will be seeing you again, Insya-Allah....and the story goes on & on.....